Sarajevo is for the first time presented in the publication City Leaders in 2011, a result of the team work between PropertyEU and MIPIM World, organizations that operate globally with the purpose of real estate development and development of the main database for investors around the world.
City Leaders presents 100 leading European cities that are part of the common market for international investors. According to City Leaders, the city of Sarajevo is classified as 'Reinvented capitals', which means that Sarajevo is a developing city capital with a great potential for dynamic economic development.
City Leaders writes about Sarajevo: exceptional geographical position of the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its climate, geological, demographic and macroeconomic characteristics,...
Turkey restarted natural gas transfers to Greece o...
Plans for Greece to default, potentially leaving t...
The battle of wills between Athens and its eurozon...
Freezing temperatures left thousands of people str...
The acrid stench of tear gas permeated central Ath...
The surface waters of the Danube River froze compl...
Cold-blooded sniper killings, indiscriminate shelling, surgery by flashlight, de...
Police in Siberian city ask prosecutors to investigate legality of protest involving display of toy figures holding miniature placards
Russian police don't take kindly to opposition protesters – even if they're 5cm high and made of plastic.
Police in the Siberian city of Barnaul have asked prosecutors to investigate the legality of a recent protest that saw dozens of small dolls – teddy bears, Lego men, South Park figurines – arranged to mimic a protest, complete with signs reading: "I'm for clean elections" and "A thief should sit in jail, not in the Kremlin".
">Doll 'protesters' present small problem for Russian policePlans for Greece to default, potentially leaving the euro, have been drafted in ...
Latvians voted overwhelmingly on Saturday to reject a proposal to make Russian a second official language, in a referendum that has heightened ethnic tensions and sparked renewed criticism from old imperial master Russia.
">Latvians say 'no' to Russian as second languageUnlike Greece, Spain and Italy, Hungary does not use the euro single currency, but it is afflicted by similar debt problems. Fears are now growing that Hungary could go bankrupt, prompting it to request help from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. So is Hungary the next step on Europe's path to meltdown?
How much does Hungary owe?
It is eastern Europe's most indebted nation, with a debt-to-GDP ratio of 80%. Despite receiving a $15.8 billion loan by the IMF in 2008, the country is now asking for more. It needs up to $25 billion in loans just to stablilize the struggling forint currency, but this will only go so far.
">Is Hungary next country to face crisisSarajevo is for the first time presented in the publication City Leaders in 2011...
In 2003, Nick Dunbar exposed how Goldman Sachs was working to conceal the size o...
Trade relations between China and Turkey will deepen in the coming years despite...
The World Affairs Council of New Hampshire hosted a team of top communications officials from Montenegro last week, hoping to build relationships and exchange information and expertise between New Hampshire and leading officials in the new nation in the Balkans.
The group's visit in New Hampshire is part of a three-week trip to the United States, with other stops in Washington, DC, New York City, Oklahoma City and Seattle. The effort is funded by the US State Department Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs.
">Delegation from Montenegro visits, gets advice from PR firmThe Malaysian company pushing for a massive resort on the Miami waterfront said Monday it does not want to put the world's largest casino there, calling that idea a "myth."
A casino planned for the current Miami Herald site would be comparable to some of the biggest in the United States, a top executive for Genting Group told a gambling forum at Miami-Dade College. That's still a sizeable venture but not the gargantuan casino that critics have seized on in warning Genting's plan would overwhelm downtown Miami.
">Malaysian Genting: Our Miami casino won’t be the largest in the worldThe imposition of a ban on Iranian oil will be painful for a range of southern E...
Sean Stone, the son of Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone son and a defender of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, converted to Islam on Tuesday while filming a documentary in Iran, he told Agence France Presse.
"The conversion to Islam is not abandoning Christianity or Judaism, which I was born with. It means I have accepted Mohammad and other prophets," Stone, whose famous father is Jewish and mother is Christian, told AFP. He underwent the ceremony in the city of Isfahan.
">Oliver Stone's son converts to IslamHOLLYWOOD star Liam Neeson is considering giving up his Catholic belief and becoming a Muslim.
The actor, 59, admitted Islamic prayer "got into his spirit" while filming in Turkish city Istanbul.
He said: "The Call to Prayer happens five times a day and for the first week it drives you crazy, and then it just gets into your spirit and it's the most beautiful, beautiful thing.
">Liam Neeson: I may become a MuslimThe minister of culture and tourism on Thursday confirmed media reports suggesti...
The unlucky Friday the 13th is one of the most well-recognized superstitions in the Western world. This tradition is over 700 years old and has a very interesting origin.
During the 12th century there was a massive religious war that consumed most of Europe and Asia. Europeans referred to these times as "the crusades". This war lasted centuries and allowed an elite class of knights to accumulate so much power and wealth that their influence rivaled both the monarchy and the church. The knights of the temple of Solomon, or more commonly known as "The Knights Templar" were the most influential political force of their time. They were the world's first international bankers and were the corporate giant of the middle ages.
">The Banking Backstory Behind Friday The 13thAs I listen to sound bites of news, a swarm of words sting me: Iran, Israel, nuc...
As a sign of heightened atmosphere of the religious intolerance. hate-crimes against minority religious groups are on the rise in the U.S.A. After the similar attacks were carried in New York against Muslims little over a week ago, now Jews in neighboring New Jersey are the target of the arson attacks.
The American FBI and local law enforcement sought clues on Thursday in four attacks on Jewish targets in New Jersey in recent weeks, including Molotov cocktails thrown into a rabbi's home.
">Four attacks on New Jersey synagoguesGlobal change in the Middle East caused by an epidemic of revolutions can significantly affect the fate of entire nations. Israel (understandably) does not hide its fears with regard to strengthening the position of the Islamists in Egypt, Syria, Libya and Tunisia. Meanwhile, in many Middle Eastern countries there are thousands of Jews who care about who comes to power at the end of the Arab revolution.
While the topic of the Arab-Israeli conflict is traditionally on everyone's lips, not much is known about the situation of Jews in Muslim countries. First, it should be noted that all those who wanted to leave have long ago left Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Those who are still there tend to remain loyal to the authorities and co-exist peacefully with the Arabs.
">Anomal fear of Jews in Arab statesThe most important of these popular delusions: that the Jewish religion is, and always was, monotheistic.
According to the cabbala, the universe is ruled not by one god but by several deities, of various characters and influences, emanated by a dim, distant First Cause. Omitting many details, one can summarize the system as follows. From the First Cause, first a male god called 'Wisdom' or 'Father' and then a female goddess called 'Knowledge' or 'Mother' were emanated or born. From the marriage of these two, a pair of younger gods were born: Son, also called by many other names such as 'Small Face' or 'The Holy Blessed One'; and Daughter, also called 'Lady' (or 'Matronit', a word derived from Latin), 'Shekhinah', 'Queen', and so on. These two younger gods should be united, but their union is prevented by the machinations of Satan, who in this system is a very important and independent personage.
">Israel Shahak: Orthodoxy and InterpretationDiscover the secret to getting your kid to set the table or tidy her room withou...
Babies start learning grammar from the moment they're born, a study has revealed.
Researchers found that in their first year of life, infants are listening intently to language and deconstructing word patterns.
Professor Jill Lany, from the University of Notre Dame, said this is the foundation on which actual word learning begins at around 17 months.
She said: 'Babies are constantly looking for language clues in context and sound.
">Babies start learning grammar from the moment they are bornHow Husbands Should Treat Their Wives
Men and women are different. Despite being ...
Differences are differences, aren't they? And of course, they aren't for the good, ever! However, when we talk about dealing with cultural differences in a relationship, it is an altogether different game. Overcome these, and make the love stay, till eternity! Read on for more on this.
"It is the things in common that make relationships enjoyable, but it is the little differences that make them interesting." ~ Todd Ruthman
">Dealing with Cultural Differences in a RelationshipA recent study has resulted out in a fact that kids of divorced parents do not perform good, both socially and academically. Check the details here:
In this world, a child always seeks and looks up to his parents for any need or emotional support. But when parents decide to get separated without giving a thought to what will happen to the life of their child, this situation delivers many worries for the kid. There are many examples when kids see their parents fighting and using foul language against each other. That is why such children do not grow as confident and intelligent individuals. This is also because they never get the right kind of guidance to handle the situations and difficulties of life. Thus, a disturbed parent relationship can even disturb the whole life of a kid. So, take a look here at a review about a new study that has stamped this aspect with their research. View inside!!
">Parents' Divorce Affects Kids' Social SkillsTraditional words 'father' and 'mother' will be replaced with official terms Parent 1 and Parent 2 in Britain. The terms will be used in official documents. The authorities decided to make such a "politically correct" move to accommodate same-sex couples. Experts are sure, though, that the matter is not about the requirements of certain social groups. The decision is another step towards the destruction of traditional families.
The words 'father' and 'mother' will be removed from British passport applications before December 2011. This became an achievement of Stonewall group, which defends the rights of sex minorities. The US State Department tried to do the same before, but it was eventually decided not to remove the two words from US passport applications.
">Europe to destroy traditional family and sexual identityIf during your meals you often bother with the number of calories in your food, ...
Ethical fashion is slowly but surely gaining momentum and it's about time too.
TellusFashion are the latest in the industry to 'go green', with the launch of their brand new ethical boutique.
">Ethical fashion on the riseAmara Halal Cosmetics is the first company in North America to provide completely Halal-Certified cosmetic products manufactured in the U.S. specifically for the Muslim community. Amara Halal Cosmetics strives to promote awareness in the Muslim community that "Halal isn't limited to what is consumed as food but also applies to what is put on our skin".
">Amara Halal CosmeticsThe psychiatric community, as well as health and government officials, have been...
Researchers have carried out a comparative study on the properties of goats' mil...
A large European raw milk study published at the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, online August 29, 2011, showing kids who drink raw milk are 41% less likely to suffer from asthma and allergies. The study included 8334 school-aged children, and 7606 of them provided serum samples to assess specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. Over 800 cow's milk samples were collected at the participants' homes. Reuter's article stated:
">Kids Drinking Raw Milk Have 40% Less Asthma and Allergies: New Large StudyFasting could be best described as voluntary abstinence form taking food for certain period of time. Fasting has both medical and spiritual significance. Beyond these two there are many more interesting facts pertaining to fasting. Fasting is a wonderful gift to the mankind since times immemorial. 'It is one cure to many ailments': experts say!
">Break ‘fast’ a little slowly : Wonders of fastingA sinus-flushing device used to relieve colds and allergies has been linked to a...
According to popular belief (not to mention popular music), there's long been a link between mood and weather. Some of us can't stand the rain. Others aren't happy unless we can feel the warm glow of sunshine on our shoulders.
But does rain really make us blue? And does the sun really cheer us up? A new study in the journal Emotion explored this popular belief by surveying nearly 500 adolescents and their mothers and found that for some of us, weather does indeed have a direct affect on our mood.
">Can't stand the rain? Moods really are tied to the weatherCauses of flu
Flu is a viral infection. It's passed on when people breathe in liquid droplets containing the influenza virus that have been sneezed or coughed into the air, or when people touch objects contaminated with the virus. The virus can cause infections all year round, but in the UK it's most common in the winter. There are many strains, some of which are worse than others, such as swine flu (H1N1 strain) which tends to have a more rapid onset, high fevers and gastrointestinal upset and has caused many fatalities, often in previously fit adults.
">Flu (influenza)Trying to figure out the best time to broach a touchy topic, ask your guy a favor or convince him to do something you know he'll dread? It's easier than you think — if you learn how to tune in to his body clock, says Gabrielle Lichterman, founder of the Hormonology blog and coauthor of 28 Days. While we all know that women usually experience hormone-induced mood swings on a monthly basis, Lichterman attests that men, too, are affected by hormonal highs and lows — only their levels fluctuate daily. Want to get his hormones working for you? Follow this timing guide:
">How to use man’s mood swings in your favorThousands of website domains were transferred on Thursday from the Internet's to...
Separately, Facebook's new Timeline feature, launched last week, has been inadvertently accessed by users early, revealing a feature that allows people to see who removed them from their friends lists.
">Facebook tracks you even after logging outThe websites of Israeli national carrier El Al and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange w...
There's more than one way to stick it to The Man. There's civil disobedience, subversive propaganda, political art, outright violent revolt--each possessing its own degree of difficulty and consequence. In a decidedly 21st-century twist, team of German hackers bent on fighting the powers that be has chosen a rather ambitious means of taking the power back: building a hacker-owned and -operated space program, complete with a constellation of communications satellites beaming uncensored Internet to users on the ground.
">German Hackers Are Building a DIY Space Program to Put Their Own Uncensored Internet into SpaceIf you've ever used the Internet, you have an online identity. Maybe it's slight...
Nobody wants to get hacked. But when it comes to choosing a password, there are key steps you can take to reduce your risk of data intrusions from unwanted virtual visitors. This week's edition of Upgrade Your Life will teach you how to make a strong, safe password that's easy to remember — and how to reduce your odds of being an easy target for hackers.
">Upgrade Your Life: 5 ways to make an easy-to-remember, ultra-secure password